Zoom Backgrounds

All the Zoom Background videos on this page are available as free downloads.

I originally made these videos for our group cycling events on the Zwift virtual cycling platform. They can, of course, be used in any Zoom conference call. They might be a little distracting so maybe they should not be used for anything serious!

Simply click the Download Now! button and save the video to your computer. In Zoom go into Settings and the Background & Filters section. Click the tiny + sign on the right and load the video into your Zoom.

Video 1: Desert 1

Desert 1: I filmed this in Mauritania during stage 11 of the 2017 Africa Eco Race. This is 30 minutes of rear view desert driving. The download file is 569MB. A 5 minute demo is shown below.

Video 2: Desert 2

Desert 2: I filmed this in Mauritania during stage 10 of the 2017 Africa Eco Race. This is 27 minutes of rear view desert driving. The download file is 587MB. A 5 minute demo is shown below.

Video 3: Countryside 1

Countryside 1: I filmed this in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 2019 ERA Adriatic Adventure Classic Car rally. This 19 minute rear view video travels through countryside and small villages. The download is 596MB. A 5 minute demo is shown below.

Video 4: 57 Tunnels

57 Tunnels: I filmed this in Montenegro on the E762 road from Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 2019 ERA Adriatic Adventure Classic Car rally. This is a most fantastic section of road that skirts along the side of the lake formed by the Mratinje Dam on the Piva river. Quite literally there are 57 tunnels on this section. (I was so impressed I made a YouTube music video of the route.) The rear view video for download is 25 minutes long and 672MB in size. A 5 minute demo is shown below.

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