My 13th Nice-Cannes Marathon

“Do or do not – there is no try” – Yoda. Well that was a fun day out. I took 660 photos with my semi automatic camera. Unfortunately early on some energy drink splashed on the lens so most of them have a bit of a blob effect. Anyhow very pleased with my time of 4h39. Actually my best time since 2017. Its certainly less stressful if I don’t swim and do 7 hours on a bike first (as per the Nice Ironman). To try keep away from all the covid riddled people I waited till they had all gone and started in absolutely last place. My target was about 10km per hour which I kept up for just over 33km. Then the wheels sort of fell off and 6 minute km’s became 7 and sometimes 8 on the hills. The last 5km was like a tortoise race with me slowly creeping past people who were also on their last legs. I ended up 3,322nd out of 4,044 finishers. So lots of photos for a future item on my blog. Below are the highlights of my 13th Nice-Cannes – the start, finish and each 10km.

Nice-Cannes 2021: Just before the start
Nice-Cannes 2021: Just before the start
Nice-Cannes 2021: Approaching the Start Line
Nice-Cannes 2021: At 10km
Nice-Cannes 2021: At 20km
Nice-Cannes 2021: At 30km
Nice-Cannes 2021: At 40km
Nice-Cannes 2021: Coming up to the Finish Line
Nice-Cannes 2021: Finished !

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