The Class of 2018

Ironman 70.3’s (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run) in Marabella, Mallorca, Nice, Cascais Portugal and my 11th Nice-Cannes marathon (42km).

Unfortunately after medical problems in Mallorca I was unable to start the Barcelona IM 70.3 the following weekend. Yet another medical problem stopped me from starting the full Nice Ironman a few months later.

I started the Maastricht Ironman (3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42km run) but totally failed to complete the swim within the cut off time (hot fresh water so no wetsuit thus no buoyancy) so was eliminated early on.

Later in the year I did the Castellar Sprint triathlon and my 11th Nice to Cannes marathon (42km).

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