My Finisher Medals Solution

About 20 years ago I had a go at running a marathon and, much to my amazement, I liked it. Over the years this extreme sweating became a sort of addiction which eventually dragged in Ironman triathlons and Marathon des Sables ultra races. A side effect of all the effort is an ever growing collection of Event Back Packs and Finisher Medals.

You can see details of all my Finisher Medals on my “Class Of” page.

Some of the Back Packs are quite useful for travelling and shopping etc. The Finisher Medals are another story. At first I hung them on cupboard handles. When all the handles became full I realised this problem was not going to go away and a proper solution was needed. This came to me in the form of a rail along the top of our bed. This worked well as a solution and cleared up all our cupboard handles – for a while.

My Finisher Medals: 2003 to 2013

By the end of 2013 the bed rail was full so the 2014 medals were overflowing onto the cupboard handles again. Luckily we have a lot of cupboard handles.

By 2022 I really had totally run out of cupboard handles and medals began collecting on chair backs. The bed rail was still full so another proper solution was called for. This time it came in the form of 10mm aluminum tubes and mounting brackets for water pipes. The big mind shift was being brave enough to drill holes in perfectly good cupboard doors. As I had built the cupboards from scratch many many years I go I figured if it all went wrong I could just make new doors.

Anyhow here is a little slide show of my latest Finisher Medals solution. Note that I left enough space on the doors to add a second row if needed. My only worry is the weight on the door hinges, but fingers crossed.

  • Medal Rack Parts

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